Saturday, February 13, 2010

Passion Flowers

The large vines from the genus Pasiflora dont just have some of the most beautiful, and extravagant flowers I have ever seen but, also produce some of the most delicious fruit! I have never seen the fruit for sale in the United States, despite the fact that "Passion fruit" is such a common flavor. The granadilla (P. lingulares) is the most common in Ecuador and the probably is the best for eating alone, because it is sweet and juicy. The taxo and the maracuya (P. mixta, P. edulis) are more acidic and have a very strong flavor which is great for juice. One of these is the "passion fruit" that North Americans are familiar with. I once had one growing on a wall in my bedroom opposite a west window, and it quickly spread over the whole area. Unfortunatly, there was just not enough light there for it to bloom but it was nice having a
green wall. They are widely cultivated, mostly for their flowers. Here in Albuquerque hardy varieties are sold but they are not practical, because the require lots of water.

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